Within 14-21 days, you can own handmade oil painting reproductions of art masterpieces at rather cheap price - as far as 75% discount of the gallery price! Cerulean oil paintings gallery online supplies museum quality oil paintings on canvas and frames for customers worldwide. We have a large selection of famous artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, and Klimt. All of our art reproductions are hand-painted replica on canvas with only top quality materials and techniques by talent artists. Choose from scores of genres such as landscape, abstract, still life, flower, Mediterranean and also original oil paintings from songzhuang artist village.
We also provide customize service to turn your photo or portrait on canvas. For years our studio is cooperating with large galleries worldwide, the competitive wholesale price and amazing quality have been helping them to achieve great success at their local business. Different from oil paintings wholesaler from china, such as dafen of Shenzhen, xiamen and putian of fujian, where are famous for cheapest junk paintings shipped by containers, Cerulean Art Gallery is worldwide honored as high quality art supplier. All of our customers are 100% satisfaction guaranteed! We are so confident of the quality that you can get full refund if you do not like our artworks. http://www.art-paintingonline.com.
Contact Information
Art Online Oil Painting Co., LTD
Tonny Li
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